
Konami games to play online. CURRENT DEPOSIT ACCOUNT:

Current Deposit Account is the net flow of current transactions with no restriction, including services and interest payments. It is an easy-to-use, convenient current account with instant access and withdrawals to your money anywhere in Bangladesh.

While a Savings Account is one wherein you deposit your savings with the bank and earn interest on the same, a current account is one where you deposit money to carry out business transactions. In this blog, we will explore the finer differences between the two. Difference 1: Purpose.

Types of Current Deposit Account:

Funds immediately credited to your account. Money management. Instant spending notifications, insights and more. Automatically put aside money for specific purchases. Deposit cash instantly at 60,000 stores. Mobile check deposit. Deposit checks easily using your phone’s camera. Current Accounts Your current account allows you to deposit and withdraw from your available credit balance at any time. It also provides the option to issue cheque books. You can also enjoy access to our e-services and issue a free debit card. In deposit terminology, the term Current Deposit refers to a deposit to a bank account or financial institution without a specified maturity date. These types of Current Deposit account generally only earn demand deposit interest. A current account, also known as financial account is a type of deposit account maintained by individuals who carry out significantly higher number of transactions with banks on a regular basis. It is created by the bank on request of the applicant and is made available for frequent or immediate access.

Individual, Joint



Club, Society, Trust, Autonomous Body, Directorate etc.

Rules of Current Deposit Account:

  1. A minimum initial deposit of tk. 5000/- shall be required for opening a Current Deposit Account.
  2. Withdrawal of money by the customer from the account shall be allowed only through the leaves of the cheque book issued by the Bank.
  3. Signature of the customer on the cheque leaf for withdrawal of money shall have to be tallied with the specimen signature recorded with the bank.
  4. Payment, in no way, shall be allowed against advance / post dated and torn cheque.
  5. The statement of account as furnished by the Bank shall be presumed as correct, if no objection to the same is raised by the customer within a week of receipt of the statement.
  6. Bank shall accept order of the customer for stop payment of a cheque and exercise utmost care for meticulous compliance of the said order. But Bank shall not be made liable / responsible, if the said order remains unnoticed inadvertently.
  7. Bank may, at the instruction of the customer, collect proceeds or money of the cheque etc. for credit into the account but the same shall be accomplished at the risk and responsibility of the customer. Bank shall always take efforts for early collection but shall not be responsible for any delay or loss, if caused in the process of collection. Cheque/instrument will require to be crossed by the customer before depositing the same in the account. No withdrawal will be allowed against any proceeds not yet collected.
  8. Bank shall take maximum care and remain alert to record exactly all the transactions of both credit and debit in the ledger with no fault. However in case of any mistake/lapse Bank shall reserve the right to rectify the same and recover the money from the customer without any reference/notice to the customer. Bank shall not be made liable for any loss/inconveniences caused to the customer due to such error/mistake/lapses.
  9. Bank shall charge incidental expenses and recover the same from the account once after every 6(six) months for maintenance of the account. In case of closure of any account within six months from the date of opening of the same, Bank shall deduct TK. 50/- from account prior to its closure.
  10. Any change/alteration of address/constitution of the customer must be intimated to the bank forthwith. In the matters relating to mailing and remittances, Bank shall consider the post office and other courier agencies as representatives of the customer and the Bank shall not be responsible for any delay or nondelivery of mails or remittances served through such agents.
  11. Receipt against any cheque/money/instrument/book securities duly signned by the authorised official of the Bank shall be considered as legal one
  12. Bank shall reserve absolute right to alter/amend its own rules, regulation as well as rate of interest. This revised rule/rate of interest shall be applicable upon the customer forthwith. Bank will, as per Govt. directives/ notification, realise VAT/ Advance Income Tax/development surcharge/other levy at fixed rate at the end of each calender year on the basis of balance of 30th december or otherwise as decided by the Govt. from time to time.
  13. Bank shall reserve the right to close down any account, if the operation of the same appears to be unsatisfactory. Moreover, Bank may close any account on other genuine grounds without assigning reason thereof.

Requirements to apply for Current Deposit Account

Individual, Joint:

Following papers / documents are to be required for opening an account in the Individual / Joint name :-

  • 2 (Two) passport size photographs duly attested by the introducer
  • Passport / Identify card / Employer’s certificate / Word comissioner certificate
  • Introducer


Following papers / documents are to be required for opening an account in the Proprietorship name:-

  • Introducer who maintaining an A/C with this Branch
  • 2 (Two) passport size photographs in each name duly attested by the introducer
  • Valid Passport / Identify card (For Deffence personnel) / Word comissioner certificate in each name
  • Initial deposit minimum 500/-for opening a new A/C
  • Declaration of Proprietorship
  • Trade license from Municipality
  • TIN & VAT Certificate
  • Mandate if operation by 3rd party is to be allowed.
  • Account agreement form


Following papers / documents are to be required for opening an account in the Partnership name:-

  • Introducer who maintaining an A/C with this Branch
  • 2 (Two) passport size photographs in each name duly attested by the introducer
  • Valid Passport / Identify card (For Deffence personnel) / Employer’s certificate / Word comissioner certificate in each name
  • Initial deposit minimum 500/-for opening a new A/C
  • Photocopy of partnership deed registered with registrar of firm duly attested by notary public
  • Trade license from municipality
  • TIN & VAT certificate
  • Photocopy of registration certificate duly attested by Notary Public in case of registered firm
  • Account agreement form
  • Letter of partnership duly signed by all the partners, in case of non-registered firm
  • Resolution signed by all the partners to open the A/C

Club, Society, Trust, Autonomous Body, Directorate etc:

  • Photocopy of Registration certificate certified by Chairman/Secretary
  • Copy of constitution/ Bye Laws of the Club/ Society/ Association duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary. Certified copy should also be verified with the original by concerned Bank Officials under seal and signature
  • Resolution of the managing committee/ Executive Committee authorizing opening the A/C with the Bank naming the persons who will operate the A/C
  • List of Members of Managing Committee/ Executive Committee duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary


A Saving Bank account (SB account) is meant to promote the habit of saving among the people. It also facilitates safekeeping of money. In this scheme fund is allowed to be withdrawn whenever required, without any condition. Hence a savings account is a safe, convenient and affordable way to save your money. Bank also pays you a minimal interest for keeping your money with them.

Choose the savings account to suit you from our wide range of options.Enjoy convenient, instant access to your savings account at your branch, over the phone or via the internet. These accounts have attractive interest rates.

Types of Savings Deposit Account:


Rules of Savings Account

  1. A. Any person/persons of the age of majority and sound mind can open account single or jointly. The balance shall be payable to him/her/them or the survivor of the joint account. A guardian can open such account on behalf of a minor.B. Clubs, Societies and other similar organisations can open such account on production of their Bye-Laws, Articles of Association, and resolution thereof.

    C. Introduction is necessary while opening Savings Account

  1. No one shall be allowed to open more than one Savings Bank Account in the same name into a particular branch.
  2. Every Savings Bank Account shall have a separate account nummber.
  3. Withdrawl of cash shall be allowed only through the leaves of the cheque book supplied by the Bank.
  4. A minimum initial deposit of TK. 500/- shall be rquired for opening Saving Bank Account.
  5. Interest payable on daily/minimum balance shall be credited in June and December every year.
  6. The interest rate is 7%.
  7. The bank will, as per Govt. directives, realise all taxes/ surcharges/ levies at fixed rate annually or otherwise as decided by the Govt.
  8. Signature of the Client on cheques fro withdrawal of money must tally with the specimen signature recorded with the Bank.
  9. In case of closure of any account within 6months from the date of opening of the same, the bank shall deduct TK. 50/- from the account as closing charge.
  10. The bank reserves the absolute right to alter/amend these rules of Saving bank Account as well as rate of interest from time to time.
  11. The Bank reserves the right to close any account if the operation appears to be unsatisfactory or on other genuine grounds without assigining any reason thereof

Requirements to apply for Savings Account


Following papers / documents are to be required for opening an account in the Individual / Joint name :-

  • 2 (Two) passport size photographs duly attested by the introducer
  • Passport / Identify card / Employer’s certificate / Word comissioner certificate
  • Introducer


Following papers / documents are to be required for opening an account in the Individual / Joint name :-

  • 2 (Two) passport size photographs duly attested by the introducer
  • Passport / Identify card / Employer’s certificate / Word comissioner certificate
  • Introducer


  • Photocopy of Registration certificate certified by Chairman/Secretary
  • Copy of constitution/ Bye Laws of the Club/ Society/ Association duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary. Certified copy should also be verified with the original by concerned Bank Officials under seal and signature
  • Resolution of the managing committee/ Executive Committee authorizing opening the A/C with the Bank naming the persons who will operate the A/C
  • List of Members of Managing Committee/ Executive Committee duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary


  • Photocopy of Registration certificate certified by Chairman/Secretary
  • Copy of constitution/ Bye Laws of the Club/ Society/ Association duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary. Certified copy should also be verified with the original by concerned Bank Officials under seal and signature
  • Resolution of the managing committee/ Executive Committee authorizing opening the A/C with the Bank naming the persons who will operate the A/C
  • List of Members of Managing Committee/ Executive Committee duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary

Others :

  • Photocopy of Registration certificate certified by Chairman/Secretary
  • Copy of constitution/ Bye Laws of the Club/ Society/ Association duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary. Certified copy should also be verified with the original by concerned Bank Officials under seal and signature
  • Resolution of the managing committee/ Executive Committee authorizing opening the A/C with the Bank naming the persons who will operate the A/C

List of Members of Managing Committee/ Executive Committee duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary

Current deposit account definition


Short Term Deposit Account is the net flow of current transactions including services and interest payments. It is an easy-to-use, convenient current account with instant access and withdrawals to your money anywhere in Bangladesh.

Types of Short Term Deposit Account: Wild horse pass casino promotions.

Public Limited Co.
Private Limited Co.
Govt/ Semi Govt. / Autonomous / Corp.
Societies/Clubs etc.

Rules of Short Term Deposit Account :

  1. A minimum initial deposit of tk. 5000/- shall be required for opening a Current Deposit Account.
  2. Interest rate is 4%.
  3. Withdrawal of money by the customer from the account shall be allowed only through the leaves of the cheque book issued by the Bank.
  4. Signature of the customer on the cheque leaf for withdrawal of money shall have to be tallied with the specimen signature recorded with the bank.
  5. Payment, in no way, shall be allowed against advance / post dated and torn cheque.
  6. The statement of account as furnished by the Bank shall be presumed as correct, if no objection to the same is raised by the customer within a week of receipt of the statement.
  7. Bank shall accept order of the customer for stop payment of a cheque and exercise utmost care for meticulous compliance of the said order. But Bank shall not be made liable / responsible, if the said order remains unnoticed inadvertently.
  8. Bank may, at the instruction of the customer, collect proceeds or money of the cheque etc. for credit into the account but the same shall be accomplished at the risk and responsibility of the customer. Bank shall always take efforts for early collection but shall not be responsible for any delay or loss, if caused in the process of collection. Cheque/instrument will require to be crossed by the customer before depositing the same in the account. No withdrawal will be allowed against any proceeds not yet collected.
  9. Bank shall take maximum care and remain alert to record exactly all the transactions of both credit and debit in the ledger with no fault. However in case of any mistake/lapse Bank shall reserve the right to rectify the same and recover the money from the customer without any reference/notice to the customer. Bank shall not be made liable for any loss/inconveniences caused to the customer due to such error/mistake/lapses.
  10. Bank shall charge incidental expenses and recover the same from the account once after every 6(six) months for maintenance of the account. In case of closure of any account within six months from the date of opening of the same, Bank shall deduct TK. 50/- from account prior to its closure.
  11. Any change/alteration of address/constitution of the customer must be intimated to the bank forthwith. In the matters relating to mailing and remittances, Bank shall consider the post office and other courier agencies as representatives of the customer and the Bank shall not be responsible for any delay or nondelivery of mails or remittences served through such agents.
  12. Receipt against any cheque/money/instrument/book securities duly signned by the authorised official of the Bank shall be considered as legal one.
  13. Bank shall reserve absolute right to alter/amend its own rules, regulation as well as rate of interest. This revised rule/rate of interest shall be applicable upon the customer forthwith. Bank will, as per Govt. directives/ notification, realise VAT/ Advance Income Tax/development surcharge/other levy at fixed rate at the end of each calender year on the basis of balance of 30th december or otherwise as decided by the Govt. from time to time.
  14. Bank shall reserve the right to close down any account, if the operation of the same appears to be unsatisfactory. Moreover, Bank may close any account on other genuine grounds without assigning reason thereof.

Requirements to apply for Short Term Deposit Account

Public limited company:

  • Introducing the A/C by a person / company/ firm who maintaining an current A/C with this Branch
  • 2 (Two) passport size photographs of all the Directors duly attested by the introducer
  • Valid Passport / Identify card (For Deffence personnel) / Word comissioner certificate of all the Directors
  • Initial deposit minimum 500/-for opening a new A/C
  • Board Resolution regarding opening of A/C & mentioning authorized persons for operation of the same
  • Valid & upto date Trade license from municipality
  • TIN & upto date TAX clearence certificate
  • Memorandum & Articles of association duly signed by the registrar of joint stock company with seal
  • Account agreement form
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • List of Directors on the company’s letter Head Pad
  • Certificate of commencement of Business

Private limited company:

  • Introducing the A/C by a person / company/ firm who maintaining an current A/C with this Branch
  • 2 (Two) passport size photographs of all the Directors duly attested by the introducer
  • Valid Passport / Identify card (For Deffence personnel) / Word comissioner certificate of all the Directors
  • Initial deposit minimum 500/-for opening a new A/C
  • Board Resolution regarding opening of A/C & mentioning authorized persons for operation of the same
  • Valid & upto date Trade license from municipality
  • TIN & upto date TAX clearence certificate
  • Memorandum & Articles of association duly signed by the registrar of joint stock company with seal
  • Account agreement form
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • List of Directors on the company’s letter Head Pad
  • Certificate of commencement of Business

Govt/ Semi Govt. / Autonomous / Corp, Societies / Clubs. etc:

  • Photocopy of Registration certificate certified by Chairman/Secretary
  • Copy of constitution/ Bye Laws of the Club/ Society/ Association duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary. Certified copy should also be verified with the original by concerned Bank Officials under seal and signature
  • Resolution of the managing committee/ Executive Committee authorizing opening the A/C with the Bank naming the persons who will operate the A/C
  • List of Members of Managing Committee/ Executive Committee duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary

Fixed deposit:

A fixed deposit is meant for those investors who want to deposit a lump sum of money for a fixed period; say for a minimum period of 30 days to one year and above, thereby earning a higher rate of interest in return. Investor gets a lump sum (principal + interest) at the maturity of the deposit. Bank fixed deposits are one of the most common savings scheme open to an average investor.

Types of DepositApplicable Current Rate of Interest
1 Month10 %
3 Months10 .25%
6 Months10 .50%
1 Year & above11.00%

Make your money work for you, with one of our fixed deposit accounts. These accounts are stable and secure and carry a government guarantee. You can invest for a one month, three month, six month or one year or above term.

Interest First Fixed Deposit:

Interest First Fixed Deposit works like normal Fixed Deposit. In this deposit the customer receives interest in advance. The customer does not have to wait for maturity of the fixed deposit; instead he/she can use the interest immediately and keep the investment intact till the maturity. This is a smart scheme in the sense; depositor gets the interest first and can reinvest it.

Customer type: Individual / Joint.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. A person can open more than one account for any amount in any branch of the Bank
  2. Interest is payable in advance i.e. at the time of placing the deposit
  3. Minimum deposited amount is Tk. 1000,000 (Taka one lac) under the Scheme. Maximum limit is no upper ceiling
  4. Terms of this scheme are 3/6/12 months
  5. Interest rate is Tk. 10.00%
  6. Loan may be allowed up to 80% of the deposited amount against lien on the same
  7. Interest can be re-invested in other deposit schemes
  8. Principal amount can be reduced for adjusting paid interest & income tax in advance, incase of pre-mature encashment
  9. To strengthening the base of long term deposit and with a view to extend banking support to lower and middle income group, we offered above type of deposit scheme
  10. Early Encashment :
    1. In case of premature encashment the Bank shall adjust the interest and income tax (paid in advance at the time of the deposit & after adjustment of excise duty as & when recovered on deposit) from the principal amount. So that principal amount can be reduced for adjusting paid interest & income tax in advance
    2. An account holder may encash Interest First Fixed Deposit in advance at any time (prior to maturity) by a written application. That account holder will get back the principal amount as per the following manner :
      1. If the account is closed within 3 (three) months the account holder will get back the self-deposited principal amount after adjusting the paid Interest, tax & exercise duty. The customers receive interest at the prevailing rate of Savings account only for the fraction period
      2. If the account is closed after 3 (three) months but before 6 (six) months, the account holder will be entitled to get back the deposited principal amount (after adjusting the paid Interest, tax & exercise duty if applicable) along with the IFFD interest for the previous completed term (i. e. 3 months) and the savings interest rate for the rest fraction period
      3. If the account is closed after 6 (six) months but before 12 (twelve) months, the account holder will be entitled to get back the deposited principal amount (after adjusting the paid Interest, tax & exercise duty if applicable) along with the IFFD interest for the previous completed term (i.e. 6 months) and the savings interest rate for the rest fraction period
      4. After completing the full term or at the maturity account holder will be entitled to get back the principal amount only

Lakh Potti:

At the maturity the depositor will get TK. 1.00 Lac by the depositing monthly installment as per following arrangement:

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Monthly installment size, tenor and terminal benefit of the scheme will be as follows:
Monthly payable amount
(Installment in BDT)
Duration/Period of the
Amount payable at
maturity (BDT)
Rate of interest
490.0010 Years1,00,000.009.50%
1,280.005 Years1,00,000.0010.47%
2,390.003 Years1,00,000.0010.10%
  1. Interest @ 10% P.A. will be paid at monthly rest to make the amount of TK. 1, 00,000.00 (One lac) for any of the above size of deposit. Any excess or shortfall shall be adjusted at the time of final payment.
  2. No income tax will be deducted from the interested earned.
  3. Account in the name of minors can be opened too under the scheme.
  4. A person can open more than one account for any size of installment in any branch of the Bank.
  5. The specified amount on maturity at any slab shall be paid after one month from the date of deposit of the final installment.
  6. No installment shall be payable if encashment would be occurred within one year. If the premature encashment would be occurred after one year in that case he/she will be entitled to get prevailing saving rate.
  7. When a depositor fails to deposit any installment, he/she will have to pay a fine @ 5% of the overdue amount payable at the time of depositing the next installments or maximum Tk. 20.00.
  8. If a depositor fails to pay 3 (Three) consecutive installments he will have to pay 5% fine of the overdue installments to regularize the account. If they fails to pay more than 3 (Three) installments he will case to remain under the purview of the scheme and the deposit will be treated as Savings Bank deposit and interest will be paid on the deposited amount at prevailing SB A/C rate subject to completion of 1 (One) year of its opening.
  9. In case of death of a depositor, the A/C will case to be operative and the amount deposited so far shall be paid to the nominee, and in absence of nominee, to the legal heirs of deceased as per rules in force.
  10. The depositor will have the option to choose any installment size and period at the time of opening of the A/C and will not be allowed to change the size of installment afterwards.
  11. The installment shall be payable by the 10th day (in case of holiday the next working day) of every month. Advance payment of any number of installments is acceptable.
  12. Normally no withdrawal shall be allowed before maturity, if any depositor intends to withdraw his/her savings due to certain unavoidable reasons before 5 years, 10 years, he/she will not be allowed any benefit if the premature encashment takes place before completion of 1 year. But the depositor shall be allowed interest on the prevailing Savings Deposit rate after completion of 1 year from the date of opening of the account.
  13. Loan may be allowed up to 80% of the deposited amount against lien on the same where the deposited amount shall be at least Tk. 50,000.00 and the interest rate of the loan shall be as per prevailing commercial lending rate of the Bank.
  14. The Bank at its discretion may allow inter branch transfer of the A/C under the Scheme



The benefit of the scheme will be paid on monthly basis. As such this is called Monthly Benefit Deposit Scheme (MBDS).

Target Group:

  1. The benefit of the persons who intend to meet the monthly budget of the families from the income out of their deposit. It may be retired service holders, housewife of businessman & other professionals
  2. Trust and Foundations or other associations, which award monthly scholarship/stipends to students etc

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Deposit of Tk. 100,000 (Taka one lac) and multiples thereof, but maximum Tk. 25, 00,000 (Taka twenty-five lac) shall be acceptable under the Scheme
  2. The deposit shall be for a period of 05 (Five) years. The principal amount is refundable on maturity
  3. Profit shall be paid on monthly basis @Tk. 1,000 & net off taxes @Tk. 900 per Tk. 1,00,000
  4. Payment of monthly profit shall start from the subsequent month after a clear minimum gap of 30 days from date of deposit.
  5. The Account holder should have a Savings Account/Current Deposit Account/Short Term Deposit Account of this Bank to open this deposit scheme
  6. Normally, the deposit will not be encashable before 05 (Five) years. But if any depositor intends to withdraw his deposit before maturity due to certain unavoidable reasons, he would be allowed to do so in the following manner :
    1. No benefit including interest shall be allowed for pre-mature encashment within one year
    2. If the accounts/deposits are closed/ encashed after one year of its opening, benefit shall be allowed on the deposit at the prevailing Savings Deposit rate
    3. If the amount of monthly profit already paid exceeds the amount payable at normal Savings rate, the difference shall be realized from the principal deposit amount, if and when necessary
  1. In case of death of a depositor, the A/C shall cease to be operative and the amount deposited so far shall be paid to the nominee, as mentioned in the account opening form, and in absence of nominee, to the legal heirs of deceased as per rules in force
  2. Separate Application Form specially designed for the purpose shall be obtained duly filled in and signed by the depositor. In addition to this, the depositor must have a separate Savings Bank Account with the branch wherein the benefit on the amount so deposited shall be credited every month
  3. A specially designed Receipt shall be issued for the deposit under the Scheme in the same manner as issued in case of FDR until such receipt is developed and supplied to the branches, they will use the FDR receipt lying with them
  4. The Receipt will not be transferable
  5. Advance against lien on such Receipt can be allowed up to 80% of the deposit bearing normal rate of interest prevalent at the time on Overdraft/Loan
  6. In case the instrument is lost the procedure for issuance of a duplicate will be the same as applicable in case of loss of FDR
  7. During the period of such Overdraft/Loan, the monthly benefit shall be credited to the concerned Overdraft/Loan Account
  8. Income Tax, @Tk. 10% will be deducted on the income received from the deposit.


The objective of this scheme is to double the deposited amount in the following way:

Current Deposit Account Meaning

Deposit ValueMaturity ValueYears
10,000/- or multiple thereof20,000/- or multiple thereof7 years

Terms & Conditions

  1. The name of the scheme is “TRUST DIGOON LAAV SCHEME (TDLS)” and an Account holder subscribing to this scheme will be called TDLS Account holder.
  2. An applicant can open TDLS account in his own name, in his/her spouse’s name or in the name of his/her children operated by the guardian. The maximum no. of TDLS accounts from a single family cannot exceed five.
  3. An order instrument mentioning the amount payable after maturity shall be issued favouring the depositor(s).
  4. In case of discontinuation of the scheme, account will be settled as below:
Different duration TreatmentApplied Rate of Interest
Less than 1 yearNo interest
More than 01 years but less than 03 yearsPrevailing interest rates on Savings Account
More than 03 years but less than 05 yearsInterest of first three years
More than 05 years but less than 07 yearsInterest of first five years
  1. The depositors may select nominees.
  2. In case of death of the depositor, the amount at discounted rate will be payable to the nominees or in the absence of nomination, to the legal heirs of the depositor.
  3. Loan facility may be allowed up to 80% of deposit against lien/pledge on such instrument at Bank’s prescribed rates and rules but not below taka 50,000/-.
  4. In case of lost instrument, duplicate instrument shall be issued as per rules of lost instrument in FDR.
  5. Any Account can be transferred from one branch to another, in that case, TK. 25/- will be charged as Account Transfer Fee.
  6. The depositor should fill up to Prescribed form designated for this purpose.
  7. Interest on this scheme is subject to Income Tax/Levi/Vat etc. as and when imposed by the government.
  8. The Bank reserves the right to make change / alternation / amendment / additions / modification etc. to the account and to its related charges fees etc. at any time / stage without assigning any reasons whatsoever


Students who are eligible to receive refunds from Bank are encouraged to enroll in this deposit.

Terms & Conditions

  1. The name of the scheme is “TRUST EDUCARE SCHEME (TES)” and an Account holder subscribing to this scheme will be called TES Account holder.
  2. An applicant can open TES account in his own name, in his/her spouse’s name or in the name of his/her children operated by the guardian. The maximum number of TES accounts from a Single family cannot exceed five.
  3. A non negotiable & non transferable receipt shall be issued for the deposit under this scheme.
  4. The deposit with interest is payable is maturity either in lump-sum or as monthly allowances for 3/5 years starting from the completion of the term.
TermsDeposit Tk.Monthly Educare allowance after
maturity with 3 years continuity
Lump-sum amount
payable at maturity
3 yearsTk.10,000Tk.430Tk.13,400
5 yearsTk.10,000Tk.520Tk.16,000
  1. To avail of the education allowance, the depositor is required to deposit the receipt with the Bank duly discharged by him / her with the written instruction to pay the amount to the student nominated by him / her on monthly installments basis as stipulated the scheme.
  2. Advance against lien on such Receipt can be allowed up to 80% of the deposit.
  3. Incase of death of the depositor(s), the amount will be payable to the nominee(s) or in the absence of nomination, to the legal heirs of the depositor(s) on production of succession certificate.
  4. But if the nominee after the demise of the depositor(s) intends to continue the scheme to get the monthly educational allowance as admissible under the receipt should be surrounded to the Bank duly discharged by the nominee and duly authenticated by the legal guardian ( incase of minor nominee ) on maturity.


Deposit ValueAmount
Client’s Own depositTk.7,500/- or multiple thereof
Bank’s ContributionTk.42,500/- or multiple thereof
FDR ValueTk.50,000/- or multiple thereof
Tenor6 years
Installment SizeTk.855/- or multiple thereof
Interest On FDR10.00%

Terms & Conditions:

  1. The name of the scheme is “TRUST MONEY MAKING SCHEME (TMMS)” and an Account holder subscribing to this scheme will be called TMMS Account holder.
  2. An applicant can open TMMS account in his own name, in his/her spouse’s name or in the name of his/her children operated by the guardian.
  3. An FDR for the value combining client’s own deposit and bank’s contribution will be issued for three years at 10.00% which will be automatically renewed for further one term (Three Year).
  4. After deposit made by the client, FDR for the respective amount with 3 years maturity at 10.00% interest will be issued and the original instrument after being duly discharged by the beneficiary will be retained by the bank under lien.
  5. No interest will be payable if encashment would be occurred within 6 month. If the premature encashment would be occurred after six months but less than 3 years in that case he/she will be entitled to get prevailing saving rate. If it would be encased after 3 years but less than 6 years in that case he/she will be entitled his/her own deposit + interest on FDR for 3 years and interest at savings rate for rest period which shall be more than six months.
  6. Installment will be started from the following month and deadline of each installment is 10th of every month.
  7. In the event of discontinuation of the scheme, FDR will be encashed and the proceeds of which if any, after adjusting the outstanding loan with up to date interest will be paid to the client.

Trust Smart Savers Scheme (TSS):

The name of the scheme is ‘Trust Smart Savers Scheme (TSS)’ and an Account holder subscribing to this scheme will be called TSS Account holder.

Monthly DepositAmount payable at maturity
(3 years)
Amount payable at maturity
(5 years)
Amount payable at maturity
(7 years)
Amount payable at maturity
(10 years)

Terms & Conditions:

  1. An applicant can open TSS accounts in his own name, in his/her spouse’s name or in the name of his/her children operated by the guardian. The maximum number of TSS accounts from a single family cannot exceed five. Applicant’s having a Savings Account with any of the branches of “TRUST BANK” will be given preference to a TSS Account. However, a customer can directly deposit the amount in the TSS accounts also
  2. The tenure of the TSS scheme would be 3/5/7/10 years at the discretion of the applicant
  3. The initial tenure as chosen by the applicant at the time of opening the account is not amenable to change
  4. The first installment may be deposited on any date of the month but subsequent installments shall have to be deposited by the 10th day of every month. Advance payment of any number of installments is acceptable
  5. A Passport Size Photograph is required to open the account
  6. Any benefit from TSS scheme may come under purview of Income Tax or Any other Levy imposed by the Government
  7. Monthly installments will be automatically realized from the applicant’s Savings Account linked with the TSS account or direct deposit in the account
  8. In the event of failure to pay any monthly installment, it will be sole responsibility of the TSS account holder to settle the arrear installments before or along with the next due through a written instruction to the bank. In such case there will be a penalty of Tk.50.00 for per installment amount to be paid with subsequent installment
  9. No interest will be payable if encashment would be occurred within one year. If the premature encashment would be occurred after one year in that case he/she will be entitled to get prevailing saving rate
  10. In case of premature closure of the account Tk.100.00/-(Taka One Hundred only) will be charged as closing charge
  11. No cheque book will be issued to the client under this scheme
  12. If there is any Overdue/Classified loan in the name of the Account holder with “Trust Bank”, then “Trust bank” shall have the right to adjust the loan amount from the deposit which has been deposited by the account holder
  13. Loan may be allowed up to 80% of the deposited amount but not below Tk.1,00,000/- against lien/pledge of the same amount
  14. Any account can be transferred from one branch to another, in that case Tk.25/- will be charged as Account Transfer Fee
  15. In case of death of the applicant the relevant account will be closed, Nominee/ Nominees will receive the proceeds of the account(s). If the nominee is a minor, the proceeds of the account will go to the legal guardian of the minor.

Current bank account is opened by businessmen who have a higher number of regular transactions with the bank. It includes deposits, withdrawals, and contra transactions. It is also known as Demand Deposit Account.

Current account can be opened in co-operative bank and commercial bank. In current account, amount can be deposited and withdrawn at any time without giving any notice. It is also suitable for making payments to creditors by using cheques. Cheques received from customers can be deposited in this account for collection.

In India, current account can be opened by depositing Rs.5000 to Rs. 25,000. The customers are allowed to withdraw the amount with cheques, and they usually do not get any interest. Generally, current account holders do not get any interest on their balance lying in current account with the bank.

Current account holder get one important advantage of overdraft facility.

Features of Current Bank Account

The main features of current account are as follows:-

  • Current bank accounts are operated to run a business.
  • It is a non-interest bearing bank account.
  • It needs a higher minimum balance to be maintained as compared to the savings account.
  • Penalty is charged if minimum balance is not maintained in the current account.
  • It charges interest on the short-term funds borrowed from the bank.
  • It is of a continuing nature as there is no fixed period to hold a current account.
  • It does not promote saving habits with its account holders.
  • Banker requires KYC (Know your Customers) norms to be completed before opening a current account.
  • The main objective of current bank account is to enable the businessmen to conduct their business transactions smoothly.
  • There is no restriction on the number and amount of deposits.
  • There is also no restriction on the number and amount of withdrawals made, as long as the current account holder has funds in his bank account.
  • Generally, bank does not pay any interest on current account. Nowadays, some banks do pay interest on current accounts.

Advantage of Current Bank Account

Current Deposit Account

The advantages of current account are as follows:-

Current Deposit Account Carries No Interest

  • Current account is mainly opened for businessmen such as proprietors, partnership firms, public and private companies, trust, association of persons, etc. that has a large number of daily banking transactions, i.e. receipts and/or payments.
  • It enables businessmen to carry out their business transactions properly and promptly.
  • The businessmen can withdraw from their current accounts without any limit, subject to banking cash transaction tax, if any levied by the government.
  • Home branch is that location where one opens his bank account. There are no restrictions on deposits made in the current account opened in a home branch of a bank. However, the current account holder can deposit the cash from any other branch of a bank other than the home branch by paying a nominal charge as applicable.
  • It helps businessmen to make a direct payment to their creditors by issuing cheques, demand-drafts or pay-orders, etc.
  • It enables a bank to collect money on behalf of its customers and credits the same in their customers' current accounts.
  • It enables the current account holder to obtain overdraft (short-term borrowing) facility.
  • The creditors of the account holder can get credit-worthiness information of the account holder through inter-bank connection.
  • It facilitates the industrial progress of the country. Without its help, businessmen would face difficulties in running their businesses.
  • It has the facilities of Internet-banking and mobile-banking to carry out important business transactions with ease and quickly.
  • It also provides various other advantages (benefits) such as:
  • Deposit and withdrawal of money (cash) at any location.
  • Multi-location funds transfer,
  • Electronic funds transfer,
  • Periodical (monthly, quarterly or yearly) e-mail or download of bank statements in various formats like '.XLS', '.TXT', '.PDF', etc.
  • Support from customer care executives

Current Account Deposit Account

Source:Portal Content Team